Lesson 11 Flat Earth Moon Exploration

The Flat Earth Moon Landing

One thing that seems somewhat disconnected from Flat Earth theory is Landing on the Moon and Moon exploration. And in truth there is little connection between the two, until you consider the impenetrable “dome” or “canopy” believed to be surrounding the Earth.
Globe Earth theory states that the Moon is roughly 240,000 miles from Earth and about 1/4 the diameter of Earth or about 2159 miles in diameter. Those numbers fit mathematically with what we see; however, Flat Earth theory states that the Moon is much closer and therefore much smaller. In fact, so much smaller that it would not be practical to land on it.
Some Flat Earth proponents state that the Moon is only as far away as 4000 miles and maybe less, which, using basic trigonometry, would calculate to roughly 35 miles in diameter. So even if Globe Earth proponents use their Newtonian calculations for gravity, there’s not enough gravitational power on a 35-mile diameter Moon to have the astronauts reliably cling to a Flat Earth Moon in order to actually land on it without falling back to Earth, which brings us to the next issue to investigate.
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Fake Flat Earth Moon Landing?

This is where Moon landing conspiracy theories often enter the scene. The most prominent is that the Moon landings were all faked. What is the evidence often shared with the general public about these conspiracies?
Board: Behind Foot
Ceiling: Upper Right
Since the Moon is typically said to be inside of the dome in Flat Earth theories, reaching outer space in that case would not be necessary. But going back to the previous section, that wouldn’t work due to lack of gravity on a 35-mile diameter Moon.
Another prominent piece of evidence often presented are some photos that are supposed to have been leaked from inside NASA showing Earth-staged Moon exploration photos. See below photos below.
NASA’s claim is that these photos are from in-studio practice sessions on Earth with astronauts fully suited up in order to practice their on-Moon duties to better acquaint them with some of the struggles they would face when on the Moon. You can visit NASA’s explanations of things by clicking here. There are many articles out there casting doubt on NASA’s claim, like the article “ Evidence to prove moon landings were real goes completely missing from NASA”.
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Hello, Mr. President!

Was the Flat Earth Long Distance Call a Hoax?

Because we know the speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second and the that distance between Earth and Moon is about 240,000 miles according to NASA, we can calculate how long of a delay we should expect in a conversation from Earth to the Moon. 240,000 miles divided by 186,000 miles = 1.29 seconds for a signal to reach the Moon and another 1.29 seconds for a reply signal to get back to Earth. This means we would expect an additional delay between a typical face-to-face conversation to have an extra 2.58 second delay between when you finish a statement before you would hear their voice come back to you.
Video: Recorded on the Moon
Much like modern cellphones that sometimes have a slight delay, when you hear the person stop talking, you will immediately give your reply during the conversation. However, after you stop speaking, it seems to take longer for their voice to come back to you. The person you are speaking with experiences the same issue, but with an opposite delay. So, while the delay is felt on both ends of the conversation, it is noticed only on the response from the person you are speaking with.
This same phenomenon would have been true when the astronauts were speaking to people on Earth. If the audio feeds were recorded at a location on Earth rather than being recorded from on the moon, we would expect that after the President finished a statement, there would be an additional 2.6 second delay before we would hear the astronaut’s reply begin. But after the astronaut completed his statement, we would expect very little delay before the President’s counter reply would begin.
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Summary of Lesson 11
In this Lesson we saw some photos that NASA clearly states were taken during practice sessions, but some say that those and other moon photos are faked.
Then there is the low-quality early technology video showing some delay in the conversation between the astronauts and the President. What did you notice in this information? Were the Moon landings real? Did man really walk on the Moon?
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