R Lindemann (Author) Media and Press Kit
• R Lindemann (High Resolution Photo)
Author Bio:
With over four decades in contract-engineering, this author has worked extended periods in several engineering fields, including chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering, among others. This experience has offered him unique insight into key aspects of our physical and chemical world. Having also been heavily involved in the detailed data analysis that is required in various engineering fields, he was able define many core connections between physics, chemistry, our bodies, human behavior, and even how it all affects our beliefs and our decisions.
Additional Bio Info:
After having extensively studied the physical sciences, he began to see irrational theories being consistently spread abroad to the masses, theories which now have become socially accepted as “settled scientific fact”. His position is that when dealing with any of the sciences, accuracy is paramount to having true understanding of any topic. He states that, “People’s desire to push their own agenda, all too often overrides their accuracy and turns into a system of beliefs and denial of actual evidence, rather than accurate evaluation of the information using true science.”
He feels that true human logic is important and that it has been overridden through methods of modern indoctrination. In effort to help others navigate through the fog of misinformation and enhance their own understanding, he has gone through the process of writing many books on some of the most prominently misunderstood topics.
His current bibliography includes the books Bending the Ruler about astrophysics, Dream Thin a plain language instruction manual to understand weight loss, and his four-book Life Corner Stone Series which includes the books Hot Water, Red Hot Marriage, Strong Family, and even Understanding Prayer exploring the effectiveness of prayer and its effects on our bodies and whether or not prayer to a higher power is scientifically realistic. He also wrote the five-volume series called The Science Of God analyzing the viability of the Genesis Creation account and the Global Biblical flood. To get your own copy of these or his other books, visit RLindemann.com or search “R Lindemann” on your preferred book retailer's website or wherever books are sold.
Contact Information:
Internet Sites:
Books by Author:
• The Science Of God Volume 1
• The Science Of God Volume 2
• The Science Of God Volume 3
• The Science Of God Volume 4
• The Science Of God Volume 5
• Bending The Ruler
• Hot Water
• Red Hot Marriage
• Strong Family
• Understanding Prayer
• Understanding The Bible
• Understanding The Church
• Dream Thin
• Thank You GOD
Book Details:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Title: The Science Of God Volume 1
Subtitle: The First Four Days
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 4/29/2023 - PB: 4/29/2023 - KNDL: 4/30/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564576 - PB: 9781956814248 - KNDL: 9781956814255
Pages: 271
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: The Science Of God Volume 2
Subtitle: Day Three - Gravity, Land, Seas, and Evolution of Plants
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 5/28/2023 - PB: 5/28/2023 - KNDL: 5/28/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564590 - PB: 9781956814262 - KNDL: 9781956814279
Pages: 209
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: The Science Of God Volume 3
Subtitle: Day Five and Day Six - The Creatures - Revolution or Evolution
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 6/1/2023 - PB: 6/1/2023 - KNDL: 6/1/2023
ISBN: HC: 9781956814392 - PB: 9781956814286 - KNDL: 9781956814293
Pages: 207
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: The Science Of God Volume 4
Subtitle: Day Six - Evolution versus Man - In Our Image
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 9/9/2023 - PB: 9/9/2023 - KNDL: 9/9/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780989331838 - PB: 9781956814309 - KNDL: 9781956814316
Pages: 184
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: The Science Of God Volume 5
Subtitle: Boats, Floods, and Noah - The Deluge
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 9/17/2023 - PB: 9/17/2023 - KNDL: 9/19/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780989331845 - PB: 9781956814323 - KNDL: 9781956814330
Pages: 233
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Bending The Ruler
Subtitle: Time Travel, The Speed of Light, Gravity, and The Big Bang
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 11/29/2019 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/18/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564521 - PB: 9780989331883 - KNDL: 9780989331890
Pages: 258
Amazon Link: Bending The Ruler
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Hot Water
Subtitle: Your Perceived Identity - The Life Repair Manual
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 7/4/2019 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/18/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564538 - PB: 9781956814149 - KNDL: 9781956814156
Pages: 294
Amazon Link: Hot Water
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Red Hot Marriage
Subtitle: Made in Heaven Filled with Passion and Joy
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 7/7/2019 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/18/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564545 - PB: 9781956814163 - KNDL: 9781956814170
Pages: 352
Amazon Link: Red Hot Marriage
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Strong Family
Subtitle: A Foundation of Rock - The Family Repair Manual
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 12/7/2018 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/16/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564552 - PB: 9781956814187 - KNDL: 9781956814194
Pages: 354
Amazon Link: Strong Family
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Understanding Prayer
Subtitle: Why Our Prayers Don't Work - The Prayer How-To Manual
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 11/29/2019 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/7/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564569 - PB: 9781956814200 - KNDL: 9781956814217
Pages: 347
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Understanding The Bible
Subtitle: The Bible How-To Manual AND The Things We Don't See
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 2/16/2023 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/16/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780989331821 - PB: 9781956814347 - KNDL: 9781956814354
Pages: 213
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Understanding The Church
Subtitle: Upon This Rock I Will Build My Church
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 2/16/2023 - PB: 2/16/2023 - KNDL: 2/16/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780989331852 - PB: 9781956814361 - KNDL: 9781956814378
Pages: 210
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Dream Thin
Subtitle: The Weight Loss Repair Manual - Lose Weight While Sleeping
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 5/14/2023 - PB: 5/14/2023 - KNDL: 5/20/2023
ISBN: HC: 9780984564583 - PB: 9781956814224 - KNDL: 9781956814231
Pages: 240
Amazon Link: Dream Thin
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC

Title: Thank You GOD
Subtitle: Finding Gratitude in Hard Times
Author: R Lindemann
Published: HC: 1/29/2023 - PB: 7/21/2022 - KNDL: 12/27/2022
ISBN: HC: 9781956814385 - PB: 9780989331876 - KNDL: 9780989331869
Pages: 201
Amazon Link: Thank You GOD
Content Sample: PDF Book Sample - Includes Sample Questions and Extended TOC
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