Lesson 4 Starship Blasting Off from Flat Earth

Lesson 4 Starship Blasting Off from Flat Earth

Those who subscribe to Flat-Earth theory will typically state that “Outer Space” does not exist and that there is an impenetrable “dome/canopy” above the Earth according to the Bible’s Genesis chapter 1 versus 6 through 8. You should be well familiar with that Biblical terminology and the interpretation issues if you reviewed Lesson 3 Flat Earth Firmament and Gravity. On the other hand, people who subscribe to Globe-Earth theory state that we send rockets in to space frequently and that there is no such thing as a “dome/canopy” above the Earth.

Observational Experiment for Flat Earth

Let’s do some mental exercises and view some footage and images of rockets blasting off from Earth.
Back in the 1960s and 1970s, countries around the world sent many rockets into the air to attempt to land man on the Moon. The picture to the left is of the Apollo 11 rocket blasting off. The question to ask yourself is, did this rocket and many others like it make it to the Moon, or was it all an elaborate hoax? Lesson 2, Lesson 3, Lesson 5, and Lesson 11 all include information that can help to clarify what is true regarding a “dome/canopy” and if outer space actually exists.
Below is a screen-capture of a video with its caption that was found on YouTube. The captioning for each clip shown throughout the video imply that the rockets seen in the video hit the dome and were unable to escape it.

Blasting Off Flat Earth

We can be very confident that rockets have been launched as is admitted by those who follow “dome/canopy” theory, as well as by the many millions of people who have witnessed rockets launching of from the ground since the 1950s. So, the question here is not if rockets have been launched, the question becomes, have rockets made it into outer space? And if they did, then did they have to penetrate a “dome” or “canopy” of any sort in order to do so?
Following are some videos that were recorded live during one such test mission. Several of the SpaceX Starship launch tests done over the past few years had been failures until early June 2024 when the Starship reportedly reached an altitude of nearly 131 miles (211 kilometers) before descending and landing safely back on Earth, a feat never before done with an upright reusable rocket without major failure at some point. With a great amount of confidence, we know that this occurred because the number of eye witnesses is substantial, not to mention the millions who watched it through the SpaceX Starship live-feeds that day. Over the years, there have been many claims made that rocket launches are faked or have never made it into space.
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Your Flat Earth Lens Distortion Mission

Here's where things get a bit tricky. When you watch the videos, you'll see a very obvious curvature when Earth is in view. However, that curvature is often attributed to camera lens distortion like this:
Before watching the videos, it's good to know the types of distortion that can occur with different lens types. Pincushion Distortion typically occurs when using telephoto lenses, and Barrel Distortion typically occurs when using wide angle lenses. If a camera is panning and spinning, then we have the opportunity to see if the curvature changes and if so, then which way does it curve? Does it ever curve in a concave manner as shown in the Pincushion image below? There is an interactive Image Test Tool and a Horizon Curve Calculator in Lesson 6 - Horizon Curve Calculator.
Determine if the following videos are recordings of actual events. If these are, in fact, real events, then the next task is to determine if you can see curvatureof the edge of Earth in the videos.
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Watching The Flat Earth Curve

In the two videos below, pay very close attention to the horizon to see if the curve is from lens distortion, or from an actual curve of the Earth, or maybe both. If Earth is flat, and depending upon where the horizon appears in the video frame, the horizon could come to a negative or concave (reverse) curve. What do you see?

Video: SpaceX Starship SN10

- March, 3rd 2021 Test Flight and Landing
On March, 3rd 2021 the SpaceX Starship SN10 prototype was launched on a 6.2-mile-high test flight that lasted a little more than 6 minutes. The Starship successfully landed, but only moments later it encountered a serious problem on the landing pad. This was a low-altitude flight that did not use a booster engine. This helped to test the Starship’s ability to take off from a remote planet or moon.

Video: SpaceX Starship Flight 4

June, 6th 2024 Test Flight and Landing
On June, 6th 2024 SpaceX Starship Flight-4 was launched with booster rocket on a 60 minute 131-mile-high test flight, taking off from Boca Chica beach in Brownsville, Texas and landing 60 minutes later on the Indian Ocean. The SpaceX Starship successfully launched, entered space, and landed. The flight went well, but the Starship did encounter some level of burning up on or near one of its flaps.
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Summary of Lesson 4
If you watched closely, you should have been able to see the horizon in some of the videos. Was the horizon straight at any point, or was it curved the whole time? Since “space” is said to start at about 62 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth’s surface, did the rocket reach “space”? If there is a “dome/canopy” over Earth, then did SpaceX Starship Flight 4 penetrate the dome?
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